Patients listed for theatre procedures or attending for outpatients tests will normally be sent appropriate guidance to help them prepare appropriately. This page includes a comprehensive set of these leaflets for ease of reference.
Cataract Infomation Sheet
Pre Op Combined Scope
Pre op Colonoscopy Leaflet
Pre Op Flexible Cystoscopy
Pre Op Flexible Sigmoidoscopy with Phosphate Enema prep
Pre Op Flexible Sigmoidoscopy with Picolax Prep
Pre Op Gastroscopy
Pre Op Hydrocele Removal
Pre Op Moviprep Instruction Leaflet
Pre Op Procedures Under Local Anaesthetic
Pre Op Corticosteroid Injection Therapy Patient Information
Pre Op Rigid Cystoscopy GA
Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence
NHS Choices
The NHS Choices website contains much information which is useful to patients being referred to hospital. It provides details on the services each hospital provides, feedback from patients, assessments by the Care Quality Commission, the hospital regulator and much else. It also provides a symptom checker which provides insights for the layman on various conditions and guidance on what patients can do to help manage their conditions.

Symptom Checker
Epsomedical’s hospital passport is designed to give our staff helpful information concerning you and any specific health needs so that we can plan your care to suit your requirements and make any reasonable adjustments.
The hospital passport can be helpful to adults with learning disabilities, autistic adults or people with specific communication needs.
A hospital passport tells us about your healthcare, your likes/dislikes, how you like to communicate and how to make things easier for you.
You can download your hospital passport here: CLICK HERE
Please fill in the hospital passport form and bring it with you to your appointment or email it to us at
Armed Forces Covenant
Epsomedical are proud supporters of the Armed Forces and their families. We recognise the value Serving Personnel, both Regular and Reservists, Veterans and military families contribute to our business and our country and are committed to honouring the covenant.
A copy of the signed covenant can be found here.
Future events or activities will be displayed on our website.
Epsomedical prides itself on providing great care in a warm and friendly environment across our 3 sites. We capture patient feedback throughout the year and we utilise the information obtained to constantly improve what we do with the patient in mind all the time.
If you like what we do, tell us and others, if you think we could improve in any way, please let us know using the ‘contact us’ tab.
Our most recent Patient Satisfaction Survey can be found here
Your Summary Care Record (SCR)
If you are registered with a GP practice in England your SCR is created automatically, unless you have opted out. 98% of practices are now using the system.
Additional information on your SCR
You can add more information to your SCR by asking your GP. They can add extra details from your medical notes, including:
• health problems like dementia or diabetes
• details of your carer
• your treatment preferences
• communication needs, for example if you have hearing difficulties or need an interpreter
This will help medical staff care for you properly, and respect your choices, when you need care away from your GP surgery. This is because having more information on your SCR means they will have a better understanding of your needs and preferences.
When you are treated away from your usual doctor's surgery, health care staff can't see your GP medical records. Looking at your SCR can speed up your care and make sure you are given the right medicines and treatment.